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The Church Singer’s Warmup Handbook – 10 Essential Exercises

As a beginner singer, you may be eager to jump right into performing at your church, sharing your voice with the congregation. However, before you start singing those beautiful hymns, it is crucial to understand the importance of warmups. Just as athletes warm up their bodies before a game or workout, singers need to warm up their vocal cords and muscles. In this subchapter, we will explore why warmups are essential for beginner singers and present the top 10 warmup exercises that will help you improve your singing skills and enhance your performance at church.


Warmups act as a protective shield for your vocal cords. Singing without proper warmups can strain your voice, leading to vocal fatigue, hoarseness, and even long- term damage. By including warmup exercises in your singing routine, you can condition your vocal cords and prevent potential harm.


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